Monday, April 18, 2011

2 years of beautifulness

I didn't get a chance to post this because of the hectic week of preparing for San Fran. Well I am home now and it was amazing. I will post pics and stuff on that later. For now I am choosing to let it all sink in. Take in what God did in my life and how he used me. And lastly I am choosing to let it change me. I don't have any desire to be the same person. But more on that later.

Last Tuesday the 12th marked my 2 year spiritual birthday. How awesome and how blessed that I have walked with the Lord hardcore for 2 years now. I see it as an honor that God chose me, that he pulled me to himself, and that he changed a life headed straight to hell. My friends, you are aware of my past sins, the sick things that I let pull me away from God. I do not need to bring it all up. I want to focus however on the beauty of Christ saving me. I think it is super insane that Jesus went to the cross and shed his blood because I chose to stop eating. That he went to the cross because I could not control my tongue and took his name in vain. He went to the cross for every sinful thought and ever lie I made up to get myself out of trouble.
Makes me feel loved.

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