Friday, April 30, 2010

important post please check it out, it is one of the few posts I have written that I deem important for the whole world to read.
much love
-ayana <3

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

"You have taken account of my wanderings. Put my tears in Your bottle. Are the not in Your book?"-Psalm 56:8

I remember

I still remember her lying there in bed trying hard to breathe. I still remember every detail of her body as it slowly faded and her voice as it said goodbye to me. I remember holding her hand as we prayed one final prayer together. I still remember hugging her for the last time as warm tears rolled down her cheeks. She knew that time in that hospital room was the last time she would see me. I knew it too, but I wasn't ready to admit it. I said goodbye Tia and I love you. She forced a smile as I forced the hospital gown that was protecting her from my germs, off of my body. I reminded her that God was in control and she lifted a weak arm in agreement. I told her that soon it was all going to be okay. I held my tears in until I walked out. Then they came uncontrollably because I knew that someday those special things would be the only things I would remember.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yup mhm yea got them off :) thats right yup *nods head*.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr E James :)

Evan, Tay, and I in San Fran
Evan and I in San Fran
Today Evan celebrates his sixteenth birthday. He is the best boyfiend and best friend. I am so grateful to be apart of his life and to be able to celebrate this special day with him. He is an extrodainry young man and has an extrodinary love for the Lord.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Topher

Happy Birthday my sweet dear. I hope you understand how much you mean to me and how much I treasure you. It's hard to believe the first child I was big sis too is now 14. Time has gone by so fast and the past 14 years have been amazing. You truly are a gift from the Lord. Your tender smile and amazing talents are treasures I have loved and held close to me for all these years. I remember all the times I would try to dress you up as a girl and you put up with that :). Thanks bro! All the times you let your older sister play Lego's, light sabers and dress up. Your imaginary friend Mona who you treated so well. All the times we spent in the pool together and in our tree house. Those are all fond memories now as I see you grown up. A teenager getting ready to graduate Jr. High and move on to HS. A handsome young man with more smarts then I know how to handle. Your academic knowledge and knowledge of the Bible astonish me. You are a great friend to me and I am thankful for you. I pray you are blessed this new birth year and keep your eyes fixed on the Lord. Never give up and remember God should always be number one in your life. Happy Birthday Little Brother and I love YOU!!!

Picture 4/3

This picture is just so amazing

Friday, April 2, 2010

Picture 4/2

that is what good friends are for :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

todays pic

This is Fiachra and I can't wait to see him again. Yes he is irish and stinkin adorable!!