Friday, April 23, 2010

I remember

I still remember her lying there in bed trying hard to breathe. I still remember every detail of her body as it slowly faded and her voice as it said goodbye to me. I remember holding her hand as we prayed one final prayer together. I still remember hugging her for the last time as warm tears rolled down her cheeks. She knew that time in that hospital room was the last time she would see me. I knew it too, but I wasn't ready to admit it. I said goodbye Tia and I love you. She forced a smile as I forced the hospital gown that was protecting her from my germs, off of my body. I reminded her that God was in control and she lifted a weak arm in agreement. I told her that soon it was all going to be okay. I held my tears in until I walked out. Then they came uncontrollably because I knew that someday those special things would be the only things I would remember.

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