Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Confusion and Questions

GOD IS ON HIS THRONE! Wow how many times have I heard that these past two weeks? GOD IS ON HIS THRONE. That statement plays over and over in my brain. I see friends and family hurting and for some odd reason that statement is the only clear and concise thing that i can process. My mind is loaded with questions that have unfortunately gone unanswered. I know God is doing something amazing. However, I am reminded time after time that everything I am going through is way bigger than myself but HE IS WAY BIGGER THAN ANYTHING I WOULD EVER ENCOUNTER!!!! Wow that changes my perspective on a lot of things. God is good no matter what it is :). I am sweetly reminded of his love and gently pulled back into his everlasting arms. Thanks to all of my friends for being here for me, for encouraging me, loving me, showing me what it means to carry on; even though I haven't been able to share everything. You are all rich blessings in my life. I'm sure this doesn't make sense to you :(. But as I was reading aunt Susan's version of this she said the very same thing. And to be honest each of us are dealing with it in our own way. So even thou you don't understand, I THANK YOU FOR SHARING IN THESE HARDSHIPS. I love you all and remember GOD IS ON HIS THRONE! To everyone who is physically, emotionally, and spiritually connected with me in this hardship i love you and may this bring us closer than ever. Remember to grieve and turn to our Saviour. He has clearly shown me that he wishes to welcome us all into his arms with love and comfort. God grieves with us and holds every tear we have ever cried. HE CARES FOR AND LOVES US! <3
"Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name"
With Much Love For My Saviour
Shrub <3

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