Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ireland 2010

In a earlier post I made it clear that I had no plans for 2010. Sure my heart was to return to Ireland but I had no idea if that was going to work out. My church wasn't even certain until a few weeks ago that they were returning. I don't know how to explain but now I know I am supposed to go. It's really crazy!!! I was talking with some people from church and the Ireland subject came up and they said no way could that ever happen. I told them that was exactly how I felt and then it happened and I went! I realized how much my Faith has grown since the last trip. I still don't know how I am going to afford it or how I will once again bear the difficulties that go with it. All I know is that I serve God and that if he really wants me there it is going to happen. I don't have the fear that if it doesn't happen I will be hurt. I have the trust that God knows what's best. I can't be not on the trip anymore that I already am. Those truths will get me through and make me a stronger person. Where does this leave the Ireland situation? I am going! Unless the Lord changes that, I strongly believe that is where I am supposed to be. I ask for your participation by praying fervently for the Lord to reveal himself to me in a mighty way. That I would walk this in his perfect will.
Thank you
-Still Serving Jehova Rapha

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