Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ireland Update 4

Hehe, blogging about this still gives me that funny feeling inside!! I guess I am still in shock though I am not sure that this "shock" is ever going to go away. I may be coming home before reality sets in or better yet maybe a few weeks after it will hit me that I just went to Ireland. Oh man, now I can see that happening..... ;). Anyways, we are leaving in a few days and we are totally excited. We have one last meeting this Thursday night and than Friday-Saturday purity conference. It's unbelievable for most of us to be here. We are totally honored that God has chosen us. There's not much to catch up on, I mean we are just totally excited out of our minds kinda thing ;). God is going to do GREAT things.
Updated Prayer Request:
For FEAR!!! Many of us are being fed the lies of the enemy and need Jesus to conquer those.
For our health these next few days before we leave
For the group of people from CCKH (for their health, safety, and guidance)
For Unity
For us to completely loose ourselves and dedicated to God.
More to come before I leave.
Love You All DEARLY!!!
Love Ayana <3>
(Our team pic, sorry it's so blurry!!)

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