Wednesday, March 30, 2011

the time I despise

i love summer sooo much! everything about it is amazing and i can never seem to get over how beautiful it is. but one thing i struggle with is how girls think summer means not wearing clothes. i mean honestly why do shorts have to be so short? skirts so tight and tiny? and tanks so low? and seriously what is up with those bathing suits? i have chosen to go above and beyond all this immodesty and be modest. but before you applaud me or think thats why im here let me finish my post. its hard it really is to be modest in these days. my choice to be modest has come from years of being immodest and not caring what people think. but i have noticed lately that it is ridiculously impossible for a girl to be modest without feeling stupid. let me tell you girls that it is difficult and i understand that. let me also say that i understand how you may feel stupid or over the top at times. but i want to say MODESTY IS WORTH IT. do not let the world or even "christians" tell you differently. you stand up for what you believe is right when it comes to modesty. and Jesus will stand up for you. i also want to say that a real guy a guy that loves Jesus is going to want you to be modest. he is going to ask you to cover up. if he doesnt and he lets you get away with immodesty then he is not a real man he is a childish boy filled with lust. i understand this may be brutally honest but what point is there in covering up? i am going to stand up for what is right even if it costs me. because in the end the dignity and respect I will receive is way more important to me. let me also say that there is nothing wrong with skirts or shorts I wear them quite often but you need to make sure they cover you. i love tanktops but I do not let them show off everything. the lead singer of this band posted the following on his twitter yesterday and it prompted my heart to ask why? its sad that he as a married man would have to see that but he did and i for one am glad he stood up.
"Girls - Respect yourself and put some dang clothes on. Amazing how the world says the less u dress the pretty u are... Totally not true"
Chasen Callahan
take some time and think about all of this. please. enjoy your summer but honor Jesus at the same time.

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