Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giving Thanks Days 12-14

Day 12:

I'm thankful for my home =D its wonderfullllll

Day 13:

Lauren Leffler my beeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssst friend yo! I love her to pieces shes the best!!

Day 14: Brett Stubbe (and his grand old flag). Your an awesome youth leader!! Thanks for the laughs buddy!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day 11

Today I am thankful for the Richardsons. I couldn't express in words my appreiation and love for them. I am at their house right now for Thanksgiving and their a huge blessing. Love Ya Guys!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanks Day 10

Today I am very thankful for Jon Sarinana :). Tonight at church he was a part of the cardboard testimonies. He got up in front of our whole congregation and held his sign. On the first side it said Gang Member, he then flipped it and it said YOUTH PASTOR!! I was so beyond blessed, shocked, and thankful he took this step. It must have been so very difficult to make that announcement!! I also want to take this moment to say thanks to Jon for EVERYTHING. I am honored to have you as my youth pastor, mentor, and friend. Thank you thank you thank you!! Love you soooooooooo much Jon!
God Bless and I'm PRAYING For You Constantly!


I was just reading my sweet friend Linda's blog she is getting evacuated AGAIN! There is potential mudslides near her home from the recent fires. Here I am with a heavy heart again, thankfully they got out safely this time. I just want to notify all of you that even though Linda and her family are going through some hard stuff there is a reason. Ecclesiastes 1:18 says "For In Much Wisdom Is Much Grief, And He Who Increases In Wisdom Increases Sorrow." What a great promise!! Linda is an extraordinary women of God as well as her family. I think the verse explains best where I am trying to get with this.

Second I was listening to my blog playlist as I was doing my school work. I am going through some rough things right now. Doesn't that just make sense ;)? Anyways, the song "Bring The Rain" came on. WOW! This was the part that hit home and encouraged me to press on . "Maybe since my life was changed, long before these rainy days. It’s never really ever crossed my mind to turn my back on you oh Lord. My only shelter from the storms, but instead I draw closer through these times!" Yaup It's so true!! I never understood the people that left God because they didn't feel loved anymore because of the tribulations. OKAY?????? So I just wanted to say that through the difficult times I'm running into the arms of my Jesus. Never looking back, because the Cross is before me the world is behind me!!
Love Ayana

Giving Thanks Day 8-9

Day 8: I want to take this time to say I'm thankful to my wonderful friend Jenna. Jenna I LOVE U! She is always there for me and never gets frustrated when I have issues. And she makes me laugh...........a lot.............. KANODE!!

Day 9: I am very thankful for my friend Josh. I have almost known him a year and it seems like we have been best friends since Kindergarten. We have gone thru some crazy stuff and hes always stuck by my side. I dont understand it half the time but I'm very thankful for him. Im sure he's felt like kiling me plenty of times and I'm thankful he hasn't

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Giving Thanks days 5-7

Sorry I had to do this all on one post

Day 5- My youth leaders and for there support

Day 6- That even in the ruff times God provides

Day 7- For my mexico missions team

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanks Day 3 and 4

Day 3: my lovely friends they rock my world!! idk where i would be without them

Day 4: my acting class and insane classmates who make me smile ily guys <3

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Emo Goat

I thought it was very important to write about my emo goat. I don't know how to describe my love for this goat ;). Issy and I were at the naval academy and she bought the goat (there mascot). We were really bored and needed something to make us smile. The goat had long combable (did i just invent a word??) hair. So then we combed its hair to look emo and took pictures of it. I don't know what was wrong with us or if we were even sane but yea yea we did it!! Most of the time when your on a nine day trip with a buncha crazy people you tend loose it!!! I AM AS SERIOUS AS THE SKY!!! Is the sky serious??? Okay nevermind back to topic so yes here is my darling Goat ENJOYYYY!!!! Now you may die!!!!!!! U JUST SAW AN EMO GOAT!!

New Journey- Last Part

This past weekend I came into some knowledge of a few things. One of the important things I realized was that God had done some healing in my life after one month of being without Donna. It goes without saying that I will always miss my friend until I see her again. However, God's shown me some amazing things to bring me to the place of contentment. I know God took her home for a reason and I am confident that he KNOWS what he is doing ;). He has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding and amazing rest from the mourning. I still have the moments every once in awhile when I miss her, but I have done an amazing job of healing. All this to say I have felt the need to close out the series of my new journey. I also find it necessary to state that my new journey has only begun. Thank you for bearing with me during these difficult times and may my testimony be a witness to you all. I encourage you to press on because one day you will see the prize.
To God Be The Glory for getting me through this and making me a strong person.
Love Always Ayana <3>

Thanks Day 2

Day 2:
I am beyond thankful for my wondeful family and there amazing love for me. Each of them are individually amazing and I'm so blessed.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 1

I noticed Aunt Tammy is doing this and felt convicted ;). So here I go.

Day 1:
I am thankful for my church and the wonderful guidance it's given me.

woops =p

so i just read that quize i did if u scroll down with like 38 questions. the second to the last question says whose ur least fav teacher and what do they teach. i said mr koff my acting instructor but i THOUGHT it said whos your favoirte. Apaogizies mr koff I LOVE U. So yea my least fave teacher is lmsdkfdsfndjKRISHA KERRkgdnfgjklndkgjkdflgkdl.
Sorry for the miscommunication ima dork =p

we needed a distraction yo

A: Caramel Frappuccino
J: Dr. Pepper

Last time you had a sleep​over?
A: July
J: Halloween

Lates​t you staye​d up in the past week?
A: Like 2:30

What is the last thing​ you said aloud​?​
A: The street was getting evacuated and fed-ex was delivering a package!
J: That was not the last thing you said aloud.


A: My school ID
J: PCHS school ID's make everyone look like that they have trashy fake tans. My wallet is zebra striped.

A: Dewane Syndrome
J: Big brown dear in the headlight-y nearsighted-y organs.

A: Comical
J: Tragically amusing


A: you don't want to know
J: she's totally naked:) david bowie t-shirt, jeans, socks

Liste​ning to?
A: I want to live.
J: My carbon monoxide alarm system.

Your favor​ite scent​?​
A: My moms pro cake baking skills
J: Clean clothes.

Do you like seafo​od?​
A: Yes, i love it.
J: No, the smell makes me gagh

Do you remem​ber your dream​s?​
A: Sometimes
J: I try not to.

Do you speak​ anoth​er langu​age other​ than Engli​sh?​
A: No.
J: Mon meilleur ami est stupide

When was the last time you reall​y laugh​ed?​
A: Can I get back to you? July....
J: This morning

When is the last time you took a nap?
A: Like a week ago
J: NAPS ARE FOR LAME PEOPLE....which is probably why i took one yesterday.

Do you belie​ve every​one deser​ves a secon​d chanc​e?​
A: I believe in grace.
J: Depends on the circumstances, but for the most part sure:)

If you could​ work at any cloth​ing store​,​ which​ store​ would​ you pick?
A: Forever 21
J: Urban Outfitters

Who is the FIRST​ perso​n you thoug​ht of this morni​ng?​
A: I'm not going to go there.
J: Snoop Dogg, I wish I was joking.

What was the FIRST​ thing​ you did this morni​ng?​
A: Looked outside to see how the smoke was.
J: Rolled over.

When is the last time you talke​d to your fathe​r?​
A: This morning when he made me get out of bed to give my mom the phone.
J: Ewww.

Do you prefe​r a call or a text?
A: Depends on who it is.
J: I like both. but i text more.

Do you drink​ milk strai​ght from the carto​n?​
A: I never have.
J: guilty.

What are you about​ to do?
A: get ready for my leaders meeting
J: make myself some soup. i like soup:)

Where​ is one place​ that you'​d like to visit​?​
A: Florida.

Does it bothe​r you when you text someone and they take forev​er to text back?
A: It makes me go crazy.
J: This is going to sound hypocritical coming from me, but yes.

What sport​ do you watch​ the most?
A: swimming
J: baseball

Would​ you ever consi​der pierc​ing your lip?
A: yes
J: possibly. but i'd probably chicken out at the last minute.

Do you like the major​ity of the peopl​e you go/​went to schoo​l with?
A: For fear of being hurt, I will not answer that question.
J: I like soup.

How is your room looki​ng?​
A: Messy and packed.
J: Messy messy messy.

Have you ever gotte​n a sunbu​rn so bad it hurt to move?
A: yes.
J: summer 08, suckas.

Do you toss & turn for hours​ at night​ or fall right​ to sleep​?​
A: Fall right to sleep.
J: Toss and turn for HOURS ON END cause i can't stop thinking about various shizznit. plus i'm kind of an insomniac.

Have you ever used a bow and arrow​?​
A: do i look like susan?
J: once, actually. needless to say it did not end well.

Has anyon​e ever hung up on you?
A: yes
J: Ariana, cause she thought she was being funny.

If you had to choos​e betwe​en going​ on a cruis​e to the Baham​as for a week or a cruis​e for 2 weeks​ which​ would​ you pick?
A: Can you repeat the question?
J: I'm going on a cruise to Minnesota and I'M NEVER COMING BACK.

What are you looki​ng forwa​rd to in the next month​?​
A: Thanksgiving and seeing Victor.
J: Thanksgiving to be over.

Do you fall for peopl​e easil​y?​
A: Ha.
J: Heehee, umm sort of.

Do you live with both your paren​ts?​
A: Yes.
J: For the time being.

What is it you truly​ want right​ now?
A: To be understood
J: Soup.

Do you have any sibli​ngs?​
A: Yeah and so not gonna name them all.
J: Yes and he is a stinking lying stinking ratty dirty thief.

Do you think​ you'​ll be marri​ed in 10 years​?​
A: Yes, to bryce.
J: Probably not. it's called commitmentphobia people.

Do you laugh​ at all the wrong​ times​?​
A: No, I know when to laugh.
J: I pretty much laugh all the time so maybe?

Do you have a best frien​d?​
A: No, many. Haven't I already answered this question?
J: Mmmhmm.

Have you ever had your heart​ broke​n?​
A: Plenty of times.
J: dfgdfg

Have you ever thoug​ht of havin​g plast​ic surge​ry?​
A: No.
J: Hasn't everybody THOUGHT of having plastic surgery? I've also THOUGHT of becoming a suicide bomber but that's not going to get us anywhere now is it?

Do you hate the last girl you had a conve​rsati​on with?
A: Umm no.
J: I like boys.

Do you know anyon​e with the same name as you?
A: Yes.
J: Not personally.

Have you ever falle​n out of a tree?
A: No, darn it.
J: Good times, good times.

Do you think​ surve​ys are point​less?
A: Yes.
J: Completely gratuitous but thoroughly amusing.

What did you dream​ about​ last night​?​
A: idr
J: that I learned to whistle. which is odd cause i figured that one out when i was like seven.

Whos hotte​r,​ Drake​ or Josh?
A: Drake my dear
J: Tyrone from The Backyardigans.

Do you like panca​kes?​
A: couln't live without them
J: yes, with the exception of my mothers.

Do you usual​ly make the first​ move on a guy/​girl?
A: depends
J: i don't know. i'm pretty much always stationary.

What kind of cerea​l did you last eat?
A:honey smacks
J: special k with red berries AKA my personal manna

What are you doing​ today​/​tonig​ht?​
A: leaders meeting
J: gym.

Do you like pie?
A: loveeeeee it
J: YES, especially when i eat it with kirsten

Have a good day?
A: ehhhh hasnt been the easiest
J: yes mam:)

Is anyon​e inter​ested​ in you?
A: i think
J: I can't read minds or body language.

How are you feeli​ng?​
A: pretty scared
J: i have too much energy for my own good right now.

Finding Out- Stellar Kart

Josh did this on his blog and I thought it was cool so I decieded to do it.

Put your iTunes on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

Let Go- Barlow Girl

21st Time- Monk and Neagle

Breaking Free- HSM Soundtrack

Thoughts Of You-Barlow Girl

Sleigh Ride (Remix)- Jump 5

The Face Of Love- Santcus Real

Time Of My Life-Mark Shultz

Whenever You Remember- Carrie Underwood

WHAT IS 2+2?
Undo- Rush Of Fools

Friends- Jump 5

Were All In This Together- HSM Soundtrack

Holy Is The Lord- Chris Tomlin

Wishes and Dreams- Stellar Kart

Never Alone- Barlow Girl

Procrastnating- Stellar Kart (wow is that one true!!)

Mountain Of God -Third Day

Here is Our King- David Crowder Band

Written On My Heart- Plus One (i have no idea where that song came from)

What If- Jadon Lavik

Rebuild- Switchfoot w/Relient K and Ruth

Porcelain Heart- Barlow Girl

This Man- Jeremy Camp

Good Life- Audio Audrenaline

He Reigns- Newsboys

My Saviour My God- Aaron Shust

Flood- Jars Of Clay

How Far Is Heaven- Salvador

Reflection- Christina Aguilera

It's Like Me- Kutless

Waiting Room- Larue (soooooo true!!)

Finding Out- Stellar Kart

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fire Update

Hey Guys, Here's my day in re cap and whew has it been a looong one.
So i wake up as if everything is okay and went on that way until my girlfriend came and picked me up for a babyshower. When my friend Christina came to the door I realized how bad things had gotten outside. Than when she told me that our other friend Natalie was completely out of reach and she thought Natalie was evacuated. I freaked a little and we kept driving. As we drove to Jess's house it became more apparent things were bad!! I couldn't believe his, I had heard it on the news plenty of times but never walked through it. We eventually got to the shower which took a little while because we had to drive through so much chaos. We were at Jenni's shower for around 25 minutes before Erin's family decided to evacuate. We helped the family evacuate than got out of there ourselves. I got to church and that's where I pretty much stayed the rest of the night. I was kind of a wreck after my excursion to Erin's. Seeing those flames was intense.I packed some stuff a little while ago. BUT I AM ON MY KNEES!!!!!!!!!!
Here are a few specific prayer request.
Pastor Bob and family (my senior pastor and his family were evacuated)
Pastor Tony and family (my youth pastor and huge ;) family were evacuated)
Jenn and her family (it isn't looking all that great)
Linda and fam (specifically for there dogs who were left behind)
Andrea and Nick (who lost their apartment in the fire)
Love You All and I Pray My Next Post Will Be A Pleasant One. <3

Please pray

guys i dont have the time to go into detail but i need ur ferveant prayer god is good i know but so many people close to me have been evacuated

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Little About Me

1.What is your occupation? ccea childcare worker

2.What color are your socks right now?
green =O

3.What are you listening to right now? my mom figure out hows she getting her car back!!

4.What was the last thing that you ate? tuna salad

5.Can you drive a stick? hehehehehehe a stick hahahahaha

6.If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
a black and red swirl

7.The last person you spoke to on the phone?

8.Favorite drink? carmel frapp

9.What is your favorite sport to watch? swimming or baseball

10.Have you ever dyed you hair? NO!!!!!!

11.Favorite food? Italian, Mexican

12.What was the last movie you watched? idk its been awhile

13.What do you do to vent anger? turn up my music

14.What was you favorite toy as a child? rubberr

15.What is your favorite season fall or spring?
Fall silly

16.Hugs or kisses? okay so it depends on who wants

17.Cherries or Blueberries? BOTH

18. When was the last time you cried? saturday when i hear homesick

19. What is on the floor of your closet? purses and shoes ;)

20. Who is the friend you have had the longest
clay, zach and jess tie

21. What did you do yesterday? i went to church and in n out and a vet hospital than tony huys birthday party than hung with nathan

22.Favorite smells? my mommy baking a cake

23.What are you afraid of? BEES and josh when hes mad ;)

24 Favorite dog breed? cute small ones

25.Number of keys on your key rings? 2 keys one to my house and one to the finns house

26.Favorite day of the week? sun and wed and sat

27. How many states have you lived in? 1 how

28. Favorite holiday? THANKSGIVING

29.Ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery?
anyways thats destruction and a half

30. Ever left the country? YEP!!!! mexico

31. Favorite kind of music? no specific gengre i listen more for lyrics

32. Last book you read? the case for christ (a must read)

33. Favorite subject in school? englsih 10 and theatre arts

34. Favorite TV show? without a trace

35. What is your least favorite teacher and what do
they teach? mr koff my acting instructor

36. Favorite Pastor? Big Mike Me and Jon

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Prayer Right Now

"Homesick" By MercyMe

You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times
And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you
But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry
Is how long must I wait to be with you

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

Help me Lord cause I don't understand your ways
The reason why I wonder if I'll ever know
But, even if you showed me, the hurt would be the same
Cause I'm still here so far away from home

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

In Christ, there are no goodbye
And in Christ, there is no end
So I'll hold onto Jesus with all that I have
To see you again
To see you again

And I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow

I've never been more homesick than now

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Journey Part 5

Alright I'm really feeling the healing process beginning now! I learned two things today that are really helping me better understand this situation.

While I was in deep prayer today God answered one of my unending questions: "why have you taken my friend away and left me here to grieve?". Some of you may not agree but this has become very obvious to me as God was slowly revealing it to me over the past few weeks. God took Donna to be our sacrifice, because she was so willing. When Obama won i was in disbelief and very upset. I couldn't understand why God did this. You know just another one of my "WHY GOD?" questions. Than I read Susan's response to Obamas win (Susan and her words of wisdom ;). She said that God was calling us to come closer to him. Than as I was praying today and thanking God even though I miss my friend I felt the spirit explain this all to me. I feel very much that we are in the end times and Obamas win only solidified that even more. So I think that God is calling us to get very close with him and UNITE as a church. Me being in the middle of the crazy mess of friends Donna left behind I also get to see God working. I have seen so many people draw closer to God and to each other. We are all more like family now. Once I realized this I (overwhelmed) thanked God as tears streamed down my face that Donna was so willing to be our sacrifice. She was willing to leave her family behind, her ministry, and everything she knew to be true so that our eyes could be opened. I love you Donna and thanks for giving up your life for us to be ready for Gods coming.

The second thing I learned came on the way to acting class this morning while I was listening to a radio bible study. This completely on fire (like in your face) preacher guy was talking about trials. Convenient I know!!! And he made a few key points but me and my amazing memory didn't remember all of them!! But here is the one that really stuck out. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over." I have heard this passage SO many times and never took it as much. But that really cool preacher dude was talking about these two scriptures and hadn't I been on my way to school I would have started crying (but than I would have had to re-do my makeup ;). I'm going to pick these to verses apart for you just as that really cool preacher dude did (no I didn't catch his name). So first we go through the trials (the valley of the shadow of death) and things are hard but God doesn't leave us (thy rod and thy staff they comfort me). Then as if God not leaving us during the trials isn't enough he brings us into the presence of our enemies and prepares us a banquet (you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies). Okay so our enemies don't care and turn their backs on us during the trials. Or they make fun of us for drawing close to God and making him our refuge. Then God being God is like now I will make you sit there and watch my child who just went through the valley of death have a banquet in peace. And because God still has so much Love and compassion in him he anoints our heads with oil and our cup of blessings runs over. WHOA! So like God does the whole show in front of our enemies and than he anoints us? I want to elaborate on the anointment. Being anointed is a very special thing. In the old testament people would be anointed when they were (catch this) being assigned a special task in Gods name and BEING CALLED AS HIS CHOSEN SERVANT. He overflows our blessings after us going through the hard times and the valley of death. I was so blessed by this hope it helps everyone else.
Love You All <3

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Journey Part 4

These 2 videos were really encouraging during these times. They "why" questions haven't ever left and that is hard to cope with. But this really helped the first one is the actull song and the second video is the meaning behind the song! Please watch both there very encouraging!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Journey Part 3

Hey guys,
Wow life has once again turned into a roller coaster ride. I keep having my ups and downs. I have taken note of the fact that when I have my ups I'm a joyous person and that's beautiful. It is however very difficult when I'm having my down times. I was reading Susan's blog earlier and agreed with her on the thought that the grieving process is way confusing. She also stated that the things that should make her cry don't and the things that shouldn't do. I feel the same way its very odd. Like why does eating Del Taco taco's with lettuce make me cry and seeing her family doesn't?? I should probably explain ;). One time not to long ago I was at church with the Richardson's, Thompson's, and Todd's working on stuff for the Abundant Life Talent Show. Susan had made a quick run to Del Taco to get us lunch and brought it back to church. Well for those of you that know Susan you'll know that when she buys food she just drives up 2 the drive thru and asks for 50 hard shell tacos and an extra large diet coke :). Anyways my picky self needed my special Del Taco order. Instead I just took the food and ate it but than I realized the taco's had lettuce in them. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! ;0 so I just sat there quietly picking out my lettuce and Donna glanced over at me with that look she used to give. You know the confused one!! Anyways she goes uh Ayana (she used to call me that) and I was like yeah Donna? She goes WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? I busted up laughing and told her that I hate lettuce. She just kept laughing at me and smiling!! I don't know why but those simple yet sweet memories are what keep coming back. Whew I've said a lot and I need to head off to bed ;)/
Love you all <3
KEEP PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Ayana

Yes I Was Tagged =p

Here it goes my sweet friend and youth pastors wife tagged me (I just love u Julee <3 href="">

1. When I get mad I tend to listen to music that's super loud. Idk why but it helps me get my anger out.

2. I am addicted to texting and buying hoodies

3. I love eating butter and sour cream by themselves.

4. The walls in my room are pink but you can barely see them because they are covered in band posters, pictures, and paintings Bobby made me.

5. I take comfort in acting and feel most secure on the stage.

6. I secretly wish I could be meet my brother Seth (in heaven) sooner than God has ordained. I wish I could spend everyday with him and get to know him (make up for loss time ;)

7. I have an ambition like no other!! when i decide I want to do something nobody or nothing can change my mind. telling me you don't think its a good idea only makes it worse, i try harder. I guess that makes me more of a person that wishes to please God and myself than a people pleaser.

I Tag:
Aunt Steph (were u avoiding this???)
Stacy (just becuase I know u were trying to avoid this and already did it)