Friday, January 21, 2011

project beauty #2

Here we are second beauty project and I am excited!! I am actually thoroughly enjoying this! Which is pretty awesome! 
Project Beauty #2
To Help with number two on this list
and #23 on my bucket list
See The Beauty In Everything
I have been contemplating how to do this and I am exciting that the Lord revealed this to me yesterday! I know your wondering how this has anything to do with Jesus but it does. I desire to be a more positive person so that my relationship with God will be strengthened. Jesus calls us to have full joy in the Lord and joy comes when you can see Gods beauty in the hard situations. SO my way of seeing the beauty in everything is by starting a week by week overview of what is up. This week has been hard! Really hard. There hasn't been one day that I haven't gone to bed and thought "wow this was rough". Unfortunately I am really being hit hard right now, but I a choosing to see the beauty in it all. I am going to share some things, but not all as it is extremely personal.
Tuesday: My Aunt and Cousin get in a really bad car accident! 
It was kinda stressful because we didn't know the entire time if she was okay or not. It just made me question my example of Jesus. Had I done enough for her to show her the way of Jesus? 
The Beauty: She made it out of the accident with only a few scrapes and bruises. If you saw the pictures of the accident you would see why this is a big deal. It drove me to instantaneous prayer to Jesus. I didn't think twice about it, I just contacted my Lord. Last but not least it made me realize God is in control and that I needed to not worry which is number 6 on my objectives list. 
Thursday: I had a really long day with zero sleep the night before. Drama was discouraging! Which if you have been with me awhile you know that drama class is my favorite way to unwind. It wasn't like that yesterday and I came home and literally cried. 
The Beauty: The moment I looked to Jesus all was better. It made me question my motives and my example of Jesus in class. It showed me God loves me for me. The daughter that he went to the cross for. 
-love ariana (:

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