Sunday, May 17, 2009


Congrats Jesse! She did it! She made it through the hard, gruesome, painful, and difficult process of cancer. I have no idea how she stayed so strong other than by God's grace. I LOVE YOU GIRL!!!!
Today was our third Ireland meeting. I feel like I got a lot out as far as my concerns for the trip that was good. April explained a lot that kinda smoothed out my fears but I am not gunna lie this is still that's what is getting me the most. Having the faith for every aspect of this is so so hard. I know I can do it though, I think...... I am assuming some of the faith needs to start within myself. I suppose at times I don't always believe I am strong enough to get through this stuff. I need to stop talking....
Love you all <3

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

Awe... when is Ireland? I will be praying for you. : )