Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hey Lord, it's me again!!

I'm back and I am requesting that you would answer this very important prayer. I feel so called back to San Fran this spring, but Lord I want to know that it is 100% your will. Please reveal that to me Lord. Your amazing God and I just want the people in San Fran to know that. I pray that you would provide the funds I need to go on this missions trip and that you alone would guide me. I pray that you would raise up a team of those you want to go to SF. I pray Lord that these people would be handpicked, strong, and ready to do your will. Lord I ask that you would prepare us as a team for the yucky things we will see there. And Lord I ask that you cover the Lopez's in your grace as they prepare to have us.
I give you SF 11 and thank you precious Lord that you have given us this opportunity and I pray Jesus that we would not take it for granted. But that we would be responsible with what you have given us.
We love you Lord.
Amen (:

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