Monday, April 27, 2009

Summer, Where Are You!?

I am well aware that summer is only 6 weeks away, but somehow it seems as if those six weeks will never come. There is one thing that I am not looking forward to and that would be the separation of all my school friends. I have no idea how to survive without them!! Could this be God's way of bringing me closer to my youth group? I guess that is possible, seeing that nearly two months ago I came very close to leaving my church. Anyways, I think somehow I will survive without those stellar people it's just gonna be weird ;). There are so many things about summer that I am so psyched up about to sit here and list them all may take f-o-r-e-v-e-r. So I will only list a few extremely important one's ;).
  1. Long Nights
  2. Taking walks in the summer night heat
  3. Swimming
  4. Church Picnics
  5. VBS
  6. Ireland Fundraisers
  7. Ireland Trip
  8. HC
  9. Pure Passion 09 :)
  10. Relaxing
  11. No school (not even summer school this year)

1 comment:

Julee Huy said...

That sounds like a nice summer. I love the freedom and feeling of summer. It's so exciting, like anything can happen. Well, that's how I felt in highschool. Now that I am a mom I think that I had better wear these kids out or they are going to wear me out! :)