Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Giving Thanks Day 30

I am thankful for many things today :) here we go
My parents: I love them so much I can't thank them enough for all they do!! Bubbles: my oldest bro i love him so much. Denielle: I miss my sista she needs to come home i luv her infinity ;). Paul: I am thankful for the newest addition to our family :) I am glad to call you bro-in law. Topher: I am so thankful for this kid we may fight a lot but its all good. Zahya: He brightens up my day and I love him. Betso: I enjoy sharing my room with you and I am thankful for your life. Lele: What to say to show my love and thankfulness for this girl?? Shes is by far the smartest baby. Clay: He is like my brother and I am so thankful for him he's given so much to help keep me strong and be a good friend. He's watch me go through a lot and although it's been hard he never left me :). Zach: or zacheus hahaha he is also like my bro ;). I am so glad to call him friend. I am thankful that he never left me either through the hard times. He's also very encouraging and that is something that makes me so happy =D. All of my friends who have dedicated so much of themselves to me :). Above all I am thankful God forgave my sins and showed me grace. I am also thankful he accepted me and took me in to be his child =D

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