Friday, December 5, 2008

She Did It!!!!!!!!!

Lele did she was the first to break something in our family :). Yes the baby, we have had fractures and sprains but no breaks 0-O so lele did it. We were so proud yesterday, while we were sitting in the ER she was so happy :). Yeah that's my Lele always so happy and I have pictures to prove it. She did so well they put it in a splint and she only cried a little. I think she was just uncomfortable with the doctor putting it there ;). Well we are off to get her beautiful pink cast but I had to tell u the somewhat amazing story.
God Bless
Love Ayana <3


Unknown said...

Ahhh, poor bubby! How is she feeling now?

I just found your silly is that?!? {{Hugs}}

Broken In Love said...

hah yah my baby! shes okay just not luvin the whole idea of a cast =p. lol i was hiding here I am :) hugs right back at u friend :) <3