Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Livivng With Diverticulits Part 3

Ugh!! I am at that point where it's just frustrating and I know my Mom is feeling the same way. I feel fer her (my throat surgery landed me in the same place). Eventually food is just like gross as you go over your 5 options of stuff to consume. She is eating jello, yogurt, protein shakes, noodles in broth, and mashed potatoes. Occasionally she gets a piece of toast when she has to take her meds. She only gets a half of piece though! Thankfully she will finish of her antibiotics tonight =D. There's something to be thankful for. The weakness from not eating normally has kept her home from church plenty of times. OH is satan working overtime or what?! Her ministry needs are at there greatest right now and she is stuck here at home. Wow that makes sense now that I think of it. Besides the fact that she is having to support me with way more now that the prep work has started for San Fran. I think the only thing that keeps sticking out to me during this is "God never gives us more than we can handle!". She is just having to be obedient, hahahaha wow what a word ;). Keep praying friends, we love you!!
~Ayana <3

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