Thursday, January 8, 2009

Livivng my a corset???? =p

So today was extensive rehearsal for a mid summers night dream. Yes I'm starring in msnd as a fairy (you know your jealous ;). One of my favorite parts of acting (that i get to do constantly) is wear crazy costumes. This show entailed one of those :). Broadway rocks was just a fun dress and teacher costume. But this show I have to wear a corset!! So it's like extremely uncomfortable and kinda well you know awkward? The best part is I have super conservative teachers so I get to wear a shirt and leggings underneath!! But its awkward!! Did I make my awkward point clear?????? Hahaha ima post pictures later of the costume and you can laugh..............


Unknown said...

What a crack up!! To think women wore them all the time and we complain about wearing bra's :) I think I complain more about wearing nylons, though...who ever invented those silly doubt a GUY!!!

Broken In Love said...

I know right??? i was like well i will never complain about wearing anything again ;0)