Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I finished my portfolio!! Party guys with chocolate and gummy bears and Morg's. It's rockin right now cause it's finally over. I have 2 English portfolios done and 2 more to go before I can graduate! I am so glad though :)!!
Ps the guy at Kinko's totally gave me the look ;0)


morgan. said...

*parties with ayana*
*highfives and chocolates and hugs*

and OMG i know exactly what you mean.... I went to office depot to get my precious bound...(and yes, I call it my precious...) and after I handed it to the guy, he was like "Okay. Sooooo how do I do this...." and took an HOUR to bind the thing! BY HAND! I was kinda like "uhmm.... doesn't that machine over there do it?" and he's like "Yea, hahaha i just don't know how to use it hahaha." ..... I was like "well hahaha great, your wasting my time, hahaha." u_u


*back to partying*

Broken In Love said...

hahahaha babe thats hilarous lol i wish I was there I would have given him eyes! hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha *screams for morgs to buy her more chocolate*

jenna said...

hot guy at staples: what kind of binding would you like mam?
me: err...umm...the bindy kind.
HGAS: we have spiral, non-spiral, clean edge, smooth, blah, blah, blah, blah
me: umm. the second one.

i almost hypervenilated.
and since when do i look like a MAM??!

congrattulations though, sistafrann. i feel like we should go get ice cream or something, but nooooo you have to be reciting shakespeare in a corset.

Broken In Love said...

i want ice cream =D ooooohhhh that darn corset!