Friday, January 16, 2009

MSND Moments :)

Okay so we spent three days together in one week and out of that came some "weird" moments!! It was bound to happen, I knew it ;).
"I got my lipstick at Hollister"-Jimmy
"Abraham Lincoln........."- SupaMan. Okay we may never know the ending to that quote cause every time he tried to finish it I would smack him ;O.
Moments of intense laughter:
In the middle of the play Brandon opens the dressing room door, hands me the donkey head, and closes it very fast! I stared at it for a few minutes than asked Emily what to do with it and than started shrieking when it made noise. So I threw it at Stephanie and she started shrieking and than Keenan busted into intense laughter. By the end all of us were laughing trying to figure out why the heck the thing wouldn't shut up. To be honest we still don't know x).
Any moment in the girls dressing room or bathroom. We always had something to laugh about.
Robert and Christians epic performances giving away there "other" side ;).
SupaMan's improv at the end of the fairy song!!
Akward Moments:
Mr Koff and Mrs. Darby's karaoke debut
Ellis and I singing HSM backstage and getting looks
Going back onstage during intermission without my wings or gloves WOOPS!
Ali assuming I was being a bad girl loll
Singing "These boots are made for walking" with the girls :)
It was epic, funny, sad and just fun! The moments made it for sure :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, its just ur fellow fairy. thanks so much for bringing up that donkey head scenario! that was soooooo hilarious! *dies laughing at memory* cannot wait to see what Bye Bye Birdie will be like!!