Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Performance Was Great!!

Wow what do I say?? I'm so amazed and so blessed right now!! It was fantastic!! I have barely had time to sit down and write this but here I am :) Monday was extensively long, very fun and entertaining though. I slept in pretty late which was nice cause I knew I had a long day ahead of me. I got to the theater around 2 and left around 9:30 (yup long and crazy ;). It was so much fun we hung out, ate lots of junk (aka dinner), and oh yeah performed. It was the most fun I have had on stage in quite awhile. There was a lot of energy and the cast just put there all into it. One of the coolest things was praying before we went on stage. Also the audience =D. It was great having so much family there the first night including the K's . The second night was just as awesome!! We weren't there nearly as long but selling tickets outside of school made up for it. I like to sit here and explain the next part but Josh put it so well here. After that ;) we performed our second and last show *smiles and than it fades*. During intermission on the second night someone came backstage and I heard screams. I turned around and saw my friend Em and of course I started screaming too. ;) Amongst her little surprise visit I got to see Morg's and Kristina!!!!! My bro and his girlfriend Erin also showed up which was a pleasant surprise as well. JBear and Lizzy came to watch too which was way awesome!!! I'm so sad it's over because we had so much fun with each other. I guess one thing I can be thankful for is some rest *laughs* that is until Bye Bye Birdie rehearsal starts ;). Thanks everyone who came and to the cast I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Love A Tired Fairy ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha! sooooo true! i felt soooooooo loved its not even funny =D i loved it! i missed you guys soooooooooooooo much!!! i cant wait until the next one! im SO there! x]
